Week Of Prayer (Day 5) - Listening to God



DAY 5 - friday


Welcome, or welcome back, to a week of prayer with Movement.
We are praying every day for our young people, and for all those who support them in becoming all that God has called them to be.
Please find below suggestions for prayer:

DAy 5: Listening to God

As we lay to one side our requests and stop to be still and know that He is God, let’s listen to Him, and give space to see what He might say to us.


We are following Jesus’ example in setting aside time to listen to our Heavenly Father for direction.
You can read about Jesus investing time to listen to his Heavenly Father in: Mark 1:35-39

Song For The Day!

You might like to kneel, stand, or open your hands, or lift them, as a reminder to you and to God that you are listening to Him.

Action Prayer

Ask him

You might like to roll up a piece of paper (like a telescope), look through it at a particular thing where you are. Then you might like to unroll it gradually and see what surrounds that thing.

Maybe you heard a whisper from God in through what you saw, or thought as you looked?
If you did, ask Him whether that is something He would like you to share with Movement.

As you finish, you might like to post on your social account a photo of the place where you have been praying/something your eye has been drawn to, or maybe something you have drawn or written as you pray. Tag us using #MOVWOP

If you have any pictures, words or visions for Movement or any of the team please get in contact by emailing prayer@wearemovement.net

Movement Team