Week Of Prayer (Day 2) - Worship Nights and More



DAY 2 - Tuesday


Welcome, or welcome back, to a week of prayer with Movement.
We are praying every day for our young people, and for all those who support them in becoming all that God has called them to be.
If you would like to, check out the suggestions below for prayer:

DAy 2: Worship Nights and More

We’ve seen God move in such a beautiful way in and through our events over the years. Please join us in praying that His Spirit continues to lead us and that He remains the focus of all our events, as we continue to bless and serve Him. Please also be praying for all those who attend our events, that God will meet with them and move in their lives.

We want also to be open to what more God might like Movement to be/do. So please join us in asking God about that.


Our chosen verse for today is: Luke 11:1-10

Song For The Day!

May this song help you worship the Lord we all seek to honour in Movement.

Action Prayer

Be Encouraged

We are so encouraged as we look back and remember glimpses of God’s work in and through worship nights.

We have seen young people engaging with God in worship, prayer, being together.

We have seen young people bring their friends, and some of those friends make big steps on their walk with Jesus, even getting to know Him for the first time.

We have seen young people serving, helping, leading.


If you have been to a worship night, you might like to pause to thank God for what you remember that has been good on worship nights. There might be particular moments when you have felt God at work in you. Thank Him for those!

You might like to imagine how it may feel for a young person coming to a worship night alongside other young people, known and unknown to them.

You might also like to listen to God to see if He is making suggestions for future worship nights/events.

As you finish, you might like to post on your social account a photo of the place where you have been praying/something your eye has been drawn to, or maybe something you have drawn or written as you pray. Tag us using #MOVWOP

If you have any pictures, words or visions for Movement or any of the team please get in contact by emailing prayer@wearemovement.net

Movement Team