Week Of Prayer (Day 1) - Praise & Thanksgiving





We are praying every day for our young people, and for all those who support them in becoming all that God has called them to be. Thank you for praying. 
For those who would like help to pray (or to refocus!) please find below suggestions from which you might choose:

DAy 1: Praise and Thanksgiving

What better way to start our week than praising God for who He is and thanking Him for all He has done?
That’s what we, as the community of Movement, are collectively doing until midnight tonight.

We want to express to God how awesome He is.


READ a story of God’s people being incredibly generous, and King David’s joyful song of praise to God.

You will find it in: 1 Chronicles 29:1-9

David’s song follows, verses 10-13 (same chapter: 29)

You might like to pause at one of the descriptions of God and think about it, or draw what comes to mind.

Song For The Day!

You might like to listen to this song. You might like to listen a second time, pausing to think about the words, maybe adding your own. (Make sure you let one of the Movement worship leaders know if you end up writing your own worship song!)

Action Prayer

Do you keep lists?

You might want to start a list of things you like about God, and things you want to thank Him for.

Here is the beginning of our list:
- Each young person who has been courageous
- Wonderful people who encourage us

Why not try adding your own:

As you finish, you might like to post on your social account a photo of the place where you have been praying/something your eye has been drawn to, or maybe something you have drawn or written as you pray. Tag us using #MOVWOP

If you have any pictures, words or visions for Movement or any of the team please get in contact by emailing prayer@wearemovement.net

Movement Team